Magic Method Recipe: HTML Generation ==================================== Step 3 ------ We want to go a little beyond Breve's functionality, to the point where we can define our own tags. For example: .. sourcecode:: python checkbox = Tag('input', dojoType='dijit.form.CheckBox', type='checkbox') When ``str`` is applied, the above tag produces the following HTML: .. sourcecode:: html What does that give us, exactly? For one thing, it lets us more easily take advantage of Dijit_, a DHTML widget library. .. _Dijit: Implement the ``Tag`` class to support the proposed functionality. Note that the ``dijit`` function, which provides a template for Dijit-enabled pages, is already provided for you. Implement the ``__call__`` and ``__getitem__`` magic methods. .. sourcecode:: python import copy, webbrowser class Tag(object): # Implement this class def dijit(tag): return """ Dijit Generation Example %s""" % str(tag) div = Tag('div') p = Tag('p') checkbox = Tag('input', dojoType='dijit.form.CheckBox', type='checkbox') textbox = Tag('input', dojoType='dijit.form.TextBox', type='text') button = Tag('button', dojoType='dijit.form.Button') datetextbox = Tag('input', dojoType='dijit.form.DateTextBox', type='text') if __name__ == '__main__': page = div [ p [ 'This is a Button ', button['Click me!'], ], p [ 'This is a TextBox ', textbox(value='The cow jumped over the moon, and it exploded'), ], p [ 'This is a CheckBox ', checkbox(checked='checked'), ], p [ 'This is a DateTextBox ', datetextbox(value='1998-03-23'), ], ] html = dijit(page) print html ## open('output.html', 'w').write(html) ##'output.html') Expected output: .. sourcecode:: html Dijit Generation Example

This is a Button

This is a TextBox

This is a CheckBox

This is a DateTextBox

.. hintlist:: #. You only need to make a minimal change to the previous version of the ``Tag`` class #. Specifically, you need to modify ``__init__``. #. You should change the signature of ``__init__`` to: ``def __init__(self, name, **kwargs):`` Solution: :download:`solutions/` :doc:`Go back <../index>`