Decorator Recipe: Event Binding in Tkinter

Step 2

Unlike other event handling mechanisms in Tkinter, “command” callbacks do not accept the target widget. This means that we can’t do something like this:

def onclick(target):
    print 'You clicked on button <%s>' % target['text']

Modify the MyButton.command method to make the above example work correctly.

from Tkinter import *

class MyButton(Button):
    def command(self, func):
        # Provide new logic here
        return func

if __name__ == '__main__':
    frame = Frame()
    frame.master.title("Event binding with decorators")

    btn1 = MyButton(frame, text="One")

    btn2 = MyButton(frame, text="Two")

    def onclick(target):
        print 'You clicked on button <%s>' % target['text']


Expected output:


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