#notetype column: 1
#tags column:2
cloze radical {{c1::一}} is the radical for {{c2::one}}
cloze radical {{c1::丨}} is the radical for {{c2::line}}
cloze radical {{c1::丶}} is the radical for {{c2::dot}}
cloze radical {{c1::丿}} is the radical for {{c2::slash}}
cloze radical {{c1::乙}} is the radical for {{c2::second}}
cloze radical {{c1::亅}} is the radical for {{c2::hook}}
cloze radical {{c1::二}} is the radical for {{c2::two}}
cloze radical {{c1::亠}} is the radical for {{c2::lid}}
cloze radical {{c1::亻}} is the radical for {{c2::person}}
cloze radical {{c1::儿}} is the radical for {{c2::legs}}
cloze radical {{c1::入}} is the radical for {{c2::enter}}
cloze radical {{c1::八}} is the radical for {{c2::eight}}
cloze radical {{c1::冂}} is the radical for {{c2::down box}}
cloze radical {{c1::冖}} is the radical for {{c2::cover}}
cloze radical {{c1::冫}} is the radical for {{c2::ice}}
cloze radical {{c1::几}} is the radical for {{c2::table}}
cloze radical {{c1::凵}} is the radical for {{c2::open box}}
cloze radical {{c1::刂}} is the radical for {{c2::knife}}
cloze radical {{c1::力}} is the radical for {{c2::power}}
cloze radical {{c1::勹}} is the radical for {{c2::wrap}}
cloze radical {{c1::匕}} is the radical for {{c2::spoon}}
cloze radical {{c1::匚}} is the radical for {{c2::right open box}}
cloze radical {{c1::匸}} is the radical for {{c2::hiding enclosure}}
cloze radical {{c1::十}} is the radical for {{c2::ten}}
cloze radical {{c1::卜}} is the radical for {{c2::divination}}
cloze radical {{c1::卩}} is the radical for {{c2::seal}}
cloze radical {{c1::厂}} is the radical for {{c2::cliff}}
cloze radical {{c1::厶}} is the radical for {{c2::private}}
cloze radical {{c1::又}} is the radical for {{c2::again}}
cloze radical {{c1::口}} is the radical for {{c2::mouth}}
cloze radical {{c1::囗}} is the radical for {{c2::enclosure}}
cloze radical {{c1::土}} is the radical for {{c2::earth}}
cloze radical {{c1::士}} is the radical for {{c2::scholar}}
cloze radical {{c1::夂}} is the radical for {{c2::go}}
cloze radical {{c1::夊}} is the radical for {{c2::go slowly}}
cloze radical {{c1::夕}} is the radical for {{c2::evening}}
cloze radical {{c1::大}} is the radical for {{c2::big}}
cloze radical {{c1::女}} is the radical for {{c2::woman}}
cloze radical {{c1::子}} is the radical for {{c2::child}}
cloze radical {{c1::宀}} is the radical for {{c2::roof}}
cloze radical {{c1::寸}} is the radical for {{c2::inch}}
cloze radical {{c1::小}} is the radical for {{c2::small}}
cloze radical {{c1::尢}} is the radical for {{c2::lame}}
cloze radical {{c1::尸}} is the radical for {{c2::corpse}}
cloze radical {{c1::屮}} is the radical for {{c2::sprout}}
cloze radical {{c1::山}} is the radical for {{c2::mountain}}
cloze radical {{c1::川}} is the radical for {{c2::river}}
cloze radical {{c1::工}} is the radical for {{c2::work}}
cloze radical {{c1::己}} is the radical for {{c2::oneself}}
cloze radical {{c1::巾}} is the radical for {{c2::turban}}
cloze radical {{c1::干}} is the radical for {{c2::dry}}
cloze radical {{c1::幺}} is the radical for {{c2::thread}}
cloze radical {{c1::广}} is the radical for {{c2::shelter}}
cloze radical {{c1::廴}} is the radical for {{c2::stride}}
cloze radical {{c1::廾}} is the radical for {{c2::arch}}
cloze radical {{c1::弋}} is the radical for {{c2::shoot}}
cloze radical {{c1::弓}} is the radical for {{c2::bow}}
cloze radical {{c1::彐}} is the radical for {{c2::snout}}
cloze radical {{c1::彡}} is the radical for {{c2::bristle}}
cloze radical {{c1::彳}} is the radical for {{c2::step}}
cloze radical {{c1::忄}} is the radical for {{c2::heart}}
cloze radical {{c1::戈}} is the radical for {{c2::halberd}}
cloze radical {{c1::户}} is the radical for {{c2::door}}
cloze radical {{c1::扌}} is the radical for {{c2::hand}}
cloze radical {{c1::支}} is the radical for {{c2::branch}}
cloze radical {{c1::攵}} is the radical for {{c2::tap}}
cloze radical {{c1::文}} is the radical for {{c2::script}}
cloze radical {{c1::斗}} is the radical for {{c2::dipper}}
cloze radical {{c1::斤}} is the radical for {{c2::axe}}
cloze radical {{c1::方}} is the radical for {{c2::square}}
cloze radical {{c1::无}} is the radical for {{c2::not}}
cloze radical {{c1::日}} is the radical for {{c2::sun}}
cloze radical {{c1::曰}} is the radical for {{c2::say}}
cloze radical {{c1::月}} is the radical for {{c2::moon or meat}}
cloze radical {{c1::木}} is the radical for {{c2::tree}}
cloze radical {{c1::欠}} is the radical for {{c2::lack}}
cloze radical {{c1::止}} is the radical for {{c2::stop}}
cloze radical {{c1::歹}} is the radical for {{c2::death}}
cloze radical {{c1::殳}} is the radical for {{c2::weapon}}
cloze radical {{c1::母}} is the radical for {{c2::mother}}
cloze radical {{c1::比}} is the radical for {{c2::compare}}
cloze radical {{c1::毛}} is the radical for {{c2::fur}}
cloze radical {{c1::氏}} is the radical for {{c2::clan}}
cloze radical {{c1::气}} is the radical for {{c2::steam}}
cloze radical {{c1::氵}} is the radical for {{c2::water}}
cloze radical {{c1::灬}} is the radical for {{c2::fire}}
cloze radical {{c1::爫}} is the radical for {{c2::claw}}
cloze radical {{c1::父}} is the radical for {{c2::father}}
cloze radical {{c1::片}} is the radical for {{c2::slice}}
cloze radical {{c1::牙}} is the radical for {{c2::fang}}
cloze radical {{c1::牜}} is the radical for {{c2::cow}}
cloze radical {{c1::犭}} is the radical for {{c2::dog}}
cloze radical {{c1::玄}} is the radical for {{c2::profound}}
cloze radical {{c1::王}} is the radical for {{c2::jade}}
cloze radical {{c1::瓜}} is the radical for {{c2::melon}}
cloze radical {{c1::瓦}} is the radical for {{c2::tile}}
cloze radical {{c1::甘}} is the radical for {{c2::sweet}}
cloze radical {{c1::生}} is the radical for {{c2::life}}
cloze radical {{c1::用}} is the radical for {{c2::use}}
cloze radical {{c1::田}} is the radical for {{c2::field}}
cloze radical {{c1::疒}} is the radical for {{c2::sickness}}
cloze radical {{c1::白}} is the radical for {{c2::white}}
cloze radical {{c1::皮}} is the radical for {{c2::skin}}
cloze radical {{c1::皿}} is the radical for {{c2::dish}}
cloze radical {{c1::目}} is the radical for {{c2::eye}}
cloze radical {{c1::矛}} is the radical for {{c2::spear}}
cloze radical {{c1::矢}} is the radical for {{c2::arrow}}
cloze radical {{c1::石}} is the radical for {{c2::stone}}
cloze radical {{c1::礻}} is the radical for {{c2::spirit}}
cloze radical {{c1::禸}} is the radical for {{c2::track}}
cloze radical {{c1::禾}} is the radical for {{c2::grain}}
cloze radical {{c1::穴}} is the radical for {{c2::cave}}
cloze radical {{c1::立}} is the radical for {{c2::stand}}
cloze radical {{c1::⺮}} is the radical for {{c2::bamboo}}
cloze radical {{c1::米}} is the radical for {{c2::rice}}
cloze radical {{c1::纟}} is the radical for {{c2::silk}}
cloze radical {{c1::缶}} is the radical for {{c2::jar}}
cloze radical {{c1::⺲}} is the radical for {{c2::net}}
cloze radical {{c1::羊}} is the radical for {{c2::sheep}}
cloze radical {{c1::羽}} is the radical for {{c2::feather}}
cloze radical {{c1::耳}} is the radical for {{c2::ear}}
cloze radical {{c1::聿}} is the radical for {{c2::brush}}
cloze radical {{c1::臣}} is the radical for {{c2::minister}}
cloze radical {{c1::自}} is the radical for {{c2::self}}
cloze radical {{c1::至}} is the radical for {{c2::arrive}}
cloze radical {{c1::臼}} is the radical for {{c2::mortar}}
cloze radical {{c1::舌}} is the radical for {{c2::tongue}}
cloze radical {{c1::舟}} is the radical for {{c2::boat}}
cloze radical {{c1::艮}} is the radical for {{c2::stopping}}
cloze radical {{c1::色}} is the radical for {{c2::color}}
cloze radical {{c1::⺿}} is the radical for {{c2::grass}}
cloze radical {{c1::虍}} is the radical for {{c2::tiger}}
cloze radical {{c1::虫}} is the radical for {{c2::insect}}
cloze radical {{c1::血}} is the radical for {{c2::blood}}
cloze radical {{c1::行}} is the radical for {{c2::walk enclosure}}
cloze radical {{c1::⻂}} is the radical for {{c2::clothes}}
cloze radical {{c1::见}} is the radical for {{c2::see}}
cloze radical {{c1::角}} is the radical for {{c2::horn}}
cloze radical {{c1::讠}} is the radical for {{c2::speech}}
cloze radical {{c1::谷}} is the radical for {{c2::valley}}
cloze radical {{c1::豆}} is the radical for {{c2::bean}}
cloze radical {{c1::豕}} is the radical for {{c2::pig}}
cloze radical {{c1::贝}} is the radical for {{c2::shell}}
cloze radical {{c1::赤}} is the radical for {{c2::red}}
cloze radical {{c1::走}} is the radical for {{c2::run}}
cloze radical {{c1::⻊}} is the radical for {{c2::foot}}
cloze radical {{c1::身}} is the radical for {{c2::body}}
cloze radical {{c1::车}} is the radical for {{c2::cart}}
cloze radical {{c1::辛}} is the radical for {{c2::bitter}}
cloze radical {{c1::辰}} is the radical for {{c2::morning}}
cloze radical {{c1::辶}} is the radical for {{c2::walk}}
cloze radical {{c1::⻏}} is the radical for {{c2::city}}
cloze radical {{c1::酉}} is the radical for {{c2::wine}}
cloze radical {{c1::釆}} is the radical for {{c2::distinguish}}
cloze radical {{c1::里}} is the radical for {{c2::village}}
cloze radical {{c1::钅}} is the radical for {{c2::gold}}
cloze radical {{c1::长}} is the radical for {{c2::long}}
cloze radical {{c1::门}} is the radical for {{c2::gate}}
cloze radical {{c1::⻖}} is the radical for {{c2::mound}}
cloze radical {{c1::隹}} is the radical for {{c2::short-tailed bird}}
cloze radical {{c1::雨}} is the radical for {{c2::rain}}
cloze radical {{c1::青}} is the radical for {{c2::blue}}
cloze radical {{c1::非}} is the radical for {{c2::wrong}}
cloze radical {{c1::面}} is the radical for {{c2::face}}
cloze radical {{c1::革}} is the radical for {{c2::leather}}
cloze radical {{c1::韦}} is the radical for {{c2::tanned leather}}
cloze radical {{c1::音}} is the radical for {{c2::sound}}
cloze radical {{c1::页}} is the radical for {{c2::page}}
cloze radical {{c1::风}} is the radical for {{c2::wind}}
cloze radical {{c1::飞}} is the radical for {{c2::fly}}
cloze radical {{c1::饣}} is the radical for {{c2::eat}}
cloze radical {{c1::首}} is the radical for {{c2::head}}
cloze radical {{c1::香}} is the radical for {{c2::fragrant}}
cloze radical {{c1::马}} is the radical for {{c2::horse}}
cloze radical {{c1::骨}} is the radical for {{c2::bone}}
cloze radical {{c1::高}} is the radical for {{c2::tall}}
cloze radical {{c1::鬼}} is the radical for {{c2::ghost}}
cloze radical {{c1::鱼}} is the radical for {{c2::fish}}
cloze radical {{c1::鸟}} is the radical for {{c2::bird}}
cloze radical {{c1::卤}} is the radical for {{c2::salt}}
cloze radical {{c1::麻}} is the radical for {{c2::hemp}}
cloze radical {{c1::黄}} is the radical for {{c2::yellow}}
cloze radical {{c1::黑}} is the radical for {{c2::black}}
cloze radical {{c1::齿}} is the radical for {{c2::tooth}}
cloze radical {{c1::龙}} is the radical for {{c2::dragon}}
cloze radical {{c1::龟}} is the radical for {{c2::turtle}}